PixiJS (opens in a new tab) is a fast and lightweight 2D WebGL graphics library with rich support for visual effects and interactive content.
Use the Joystick to control ascii blobs in this simple, top-down demo!
Code for the above demo
The multiplayer parts are highlighted so you can see Playroom in action! Find the full code here (opens in a new tab):
import { onPlayerJoin, insertCoin, isHost, myPlayer, Joystick } from "playroomkit";
import { Application, Graphics } from "pixi.js";
import { AsciiFilter } from "@pixi/filter-ascii";
let players = [];
const playerSpeed = 2;
function start(app) {
// 1. Handle players joining and quitting.
onPlayerJoin((state) => {
// create a joystick for the player
const joystick = new Joystick(state, { type: "angular" });
// create a circle sprite for the player
const sprite = new Graphics();
sprite.beginFill(state.getProfile().color.hex); // let's use the player's profile color
sprite.drawCircle(0, 0, 64, 64);
sprite.position.set(app.view.width / 2, app.view.height / 2);
// add the player's state with their joystick and sprite to the players array
players.push({ state, joystick, sprite });
// what should happen when the player leaves?
state.onQuit(() => {
// remove the sprite from the stage
// remove the player from the players array
players = players.filter(player => player.state !== state);
// 2. Let the host calculate everyone's state.
app.ticker.add(() => {
if (!isHost()) return; // only the host executes this block!
// for each player in the game
players.forEach(({ state, joystick, sprite }) => {
// get their joystick direction in terms of x and y
const isPressed = joystick.isJoystickPressed();
const direction = {
x: isPressed ? Math.sin(joystick.angle()) : 0,
y: isPressed ? Math.cos(joystick.angle()) : 0
// calculate their new position
const newPosition = {
x: sprite.x + direction.x * playerSpeed,
y: sprite.y + direction.y * playerSpeed
// update their position state
state.setState("position", newPosition)
// 3. Everyone updates their screen!
app.ticker.add(() => {
// for each player in the game, get position state and update their sprite
players.forEach(({ state, joystick, sprite }) => {
const newPosition = state.getState("position");
// only update sprite if position state is available!
if (newPosition) sprite.position.set(newPosition.x, newPosition.y);
// make sprites that are closer to the bottom of the screen appear in front
app.stage.children.sort((a, b) => a.y - b.y);
// 4. Insert Coin! Start the game.
insertCoin().then(() => {
// create PixiJS app and attach to DOM
const app = new Application({
resizeTo: window
// call our start function on the app
// just for fun, let's apply a filter
app.stage.filters = [new AsciiFilter(16)]